Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cerita Di Observe...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hari Rabu yang lepas, 3 orang pelajr maktab dari I4P selamat dah observe sesi p&p aku... Nak kate tak nervous tu tipu la. Nervous sikit je la tapi lama-lama okay la...

The session just for half an hour and the lesson for that day was about learning initial blend "pl" and "pr". As usual for the set induction, i have taught them on keep saying the word begin with "pl"and "pr"without telling them that was the learning objective for that session.

The lesson then continued by listening and reading session. Teacher guides pupils to read with correct pronounciation and intonation. after that,i chose volunteer from boys and girls to read individually. then, they keep reading in small group.

Sebenarnya, aku memang dah kenal pasti this class ni memang lemah kalau baca sendiri-sendiri ataupun baca tanpa bantuan guru. Merka ni akan membaca ikut ejaan macam bahasa melayu dan alhamdulillah, setelah diajar berkali-kali, akhirnya mereka boleh menyebut kebanyakan perkataan dengan betul.

Seterusnya, sesi P&P diteruskan dengan aktiviti regrouping the words into the same group "pl"and "pr". I used the flash card (hand made) consist the word of play, pray, pram, please, press, and more. the pupils were very excited and them were enthusiastically try to get involve with that activity. I felt very happy and proud of them because they were very happy and enjoy the lesson too. the last activity prepared for them was individual work where each of them were given a worksheet.

My 2IR pupils ni sangat kelakar sebenarnya...ada je keletah mereka yang membuatkan aku geli hati sampai student maktab tu pun ikut gelak sekali. Semasa sesi itu berjalan aku tak lupa untuk memberi galakan kepada murid-muridku dengan memberi tepukan, menyebut very good and so on.

Pendek kata, mereka ini memang memahami enjoy the lesson and keep focus while teaching and learning session. aku pun suka tengok mereka belajar English dengan riang dan yakin...

Good Luck my 2IR pupils...

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